R D Lenses

  • protect your eyes

    Bluw-Guard Lenses

    Prolong exposure to light can damage your eyes as they emit blue light. Protect your eyes from these destructive emission.

  • Driving is difficult at night

    Night drive lenses

    For spectacle wearers as it reflect lights from the headlights of other vehicles causing the glare and can lead to accidents.

  • As it changes its colour

    Polorized Lenses

    In shade or when you are working indoors, it works as normal glasses but when you go outside it will change into a sun-glass.

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Correct your vision

Why Choose Us?

Wide Range Of Lenses

We Provide our customers with a range of differents lenses in our stock. A variety of lenses are provided so that you can get a satisfactory purchase.

Fast Purchase & Delivery

Get easy & quick access to top picks each day. We deliver faster than you ever thought.

Affordable & Easy

Light eyes, heavy pockets. Our lenses are designed to suit your needs, preferences, and budget.

Customer Support

We Provide customer support all the time when they are confused or having difficulties with the purchase.

Why Switch To Contact Lenses

Make your life simpler & your vision clearer with contact lenses.

Skip the chasma

Free yourself from the weight of bulky glasses. Show your natural look and have clear vision at all times.

Full field of vision

Look left, right, center without any hassle. Contact lenses allow you to have a natural field of vision.

Zero obstructions

Go crazy on the dance floor, lift dumbbells & live freely without the fear of your glasses falling.

Night Drive Lenses

Driving at Night is difficult for spectacle wearers as it reflect lights from the headlights of other vehicles causing the glare and can lead to accidents.

Feel a Relaxing drive experience with our Night Drive. 

Photochromatic Bluw Lenses

Prolong exposure to light can damage your eyes as they emit blue light. Protect your eyes from these destructive emission.

Polorized + UV Protected Lenses

In shade or when you are working indoors, it works as normal glasses but when you go outside it will change into a sun-glass.

You can enjoy twin look with only one pair of glasses. Blocks harmful blue light from digital devices also.

Colored Contact Lenses

Be A New You, Everyday with your color.

Wide Range of Colors

Available In Power

UV Protected

Softy & Comfy

Most doctors advocate wearing contact lenses for a maximum of eight hours, and caution their patients against sleeping with the contact lens in the eye.

Eyeglasses are easy to use and don’t require any special care or cleaning, while contacts offer advantages such as ease of movement when participating in sports or other activities and offer better peripheral vision.

Customer Reviews

We don’t speak for yourself, we let our customers speak for us.

The lens is good for casual photography, but I noticed some distortion at the edges.

Nina Castle

The macro capabilities of this lens blew me away! I can capture incredible details of flowers and insects.

Vikram Sharma

I purchased the XYZ Pro Lens, and I couldn’t be happier! The clarity and sharpness are incredible, even in low light.

Rick Grimes

Great value for the price. This lens offers solid performance for amateur photographers.

John Doe

Read The Blog

Reading is good. Reading about eye health is better. Find stories!

Reason Why You Should Buy Contact Lenses

Everything you need to know before going for contact lenses. Move your eyeglasses and aviators, its about time that contact get the well-dressed recognition.

Finding The Best Fit Lenses For Your Favourite Frames

We provide best fit frame lenses for you. Everything you need to know before ging for Eyewears. Move your eyeglasses and aviators, its about time that contact get the well-dressed recognition.

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